Wednesday, October 26, 2011

My Top 10 Truly Satanic Films: Part 2

Alright kiddies! Here's the last half of my list. I've been told by so many that my choices were quite surprising for those not in the know. Read on and be prepared for more.

5.ZELIG (1983)
   Woody Allen's comedy masterpiece about a man with a chameleon like mental condition which causes him to consistently conform in an effort to win approval. From the Satanic viewpoint, one should just be yourself. Non-Conformity is one of the best attributes one can have. (Unless it suits a particular goal of yours, which then it makes sense to conform temporarily in order to achieve it.)

4. WESTWORLD (1973)
   This film embraces the idea of Artificial Human Companions and the idea of living in a Total Environment which are Satanic ideals. Imagine living in the time era of your own choosing instead of being stuck in an environment of what a lackluster society dictates. Directed and written by Michael Crichton (of JURASSIC PARK fame) and starring the always talented Yul Brynner.

3. WISE BLOOD (1979)
  Based on the novel by Mary Flannery O'Connor, this film stars the talented Brad Dourif as the character
Hazell Motes, who despises preachers on street corners and sees them as nothing more than frauds. After numerous comments on how he looks like a preacher in his hat, he decides to become one himself but preaches the truth as he sees it and starts up the Church Without Christ.

   Based on the real life event of the Scopes Monkey Trial where a teacher was arrested for teaching evolution in the classroom, this award winning film stars Spencer Tracy as Henry Drummond, a well known  atheist lawyer who comes to defend him. Frederic March plays Matthew Harrison Brady, A Hellfire and brimstone lawyer who's determined that the teacher is found guilty for teaching against the Holy Bible. Gene Kelly plays E.K. Hornbeck (a character inspired by H.L. Mencken), a newspaper reporter that sees to it that the teacher is defended by the best lawyer in the business.

And now the moment you've all been waiting for! I give you my top Truly Satanic Film...

1. DUMBO (1941)
   Dumbo is an elephant with an abnormal condition, he was born with incredibly huge ears. The rest of the animals poke fun of him and make him an outcast. A mouse befriends and convinces him that with the aid of a "magic feather", Dumbo can put to great use of his deformity and literally soar above the others. Eventually, Dumbo comes to realize that the feather is just an ordinary feather and that the magic is actually within him and uses his deformity to his best advantage, by rescuing those who at first belittled and mocked him. By the end, Dumbo is praised by the rest of the animals and is treated like royalty.

   This ends my quick list of films that I consider to be truly Satanic. I'm sure you've been surprised, and even shocked by some of my choices, and I hope this list has made you think.
   I've taken the liberty of not including the two most obvious Satanic films, SATANIS and SPEAK OF THE DEVIL. Both of which are documentaries on LaVey and the Church of Satan.
 For more information on this philosophy, always go to the source: Church Of Satan

   Please feel free to comment and discuss these films. I'd love to hear your own opinion!

(Didn't read the first part? Here's a link! My Top 10 Truly Satanic Films: Part 1)

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