Saturday, February 4, 2012

Monsters Are Among Us!

   Have you been wondering what I've been up to? Well, I'll tell you...

   Several weeks ago I finished a painting based on the Creature From The Black Lagoon. I painted it while experimenting with techniques that I had recently learned and it became such a hit that the painting sold within four days of completion. The fella who bought it also commissioned me to do four more pieces all based on other famous classic monsters using the same style that I had experimented with for the Creech painting. I've also been commissioned to do another famous monster painting so February and most of March is now booked up.

   Be on the lookout as I finish these other works and post them!
   Let me know what you think and post your comments below!

Thank you!

"From Out Of The Depths" - Acrylic on canvas board, 5x7"
©  2012 G. Edwin Taylor